The priest (Father Miles) is not a friendly person, he does not look out for his parishoners, that should be the number 1goal in his occupation. No weddings, no baptismals in how many years. Everyone who attends this church is getting older and soon their will be no one there, which probably doesn't make a difference to the priest since he is very anti-social anyway. He would rather bury people than marry or baptize them. Is this really what God would have wanted. The elderly ladies in this establishment have ran off so many priests, why not this one. From what I hear he is a child mollester. I definately would not have my child be an alter boy. Also, why have books to follow when the priest does not even follow them. And are we lutherns now, since we do not kneel during Easter??? What happened to ritual??? How much money is this church in debt? They always ask for money, but is it worth giving them the money? Where does it go? To buy Father Miles a new car every few years since he wrecks them? Believe in God, but you can do that anywhere anytime without throwing a priest money for a new car...
Pros: nice looking place thanks to the people and their money
Cons: Why so greedy???