I am a huge fan of Sunflower Market. They prove that organic food does not have to be expensive -- their prices should put Whole Foods to shame. I especially love the produce at Sunflower. They have a fantastic array of organic and conventional fruits and veggies. The thing that distinguishes Sunflower Market's produce is that it is always of exceptionally high quality and always reasonably priced. Unlike many supermarkets, there are always employees working visibly in the produce section, restocking and ensuring that their offerings are at peak freshness. They actually can answer your questions about how to pick the best honeydew or what to do with spaghetti squash. A unique feature at Sunflower Market is the bulk section. You can scoop a huge array of foods out of big white bins and get them weighed at the checkout. The bulk food section features every imaginable dried fruit, grain, and flour, even things like pastas and pancake mixes. It feels great to not buy all the extraneous packaging that typically comes with those items. And the candy! Sunflower Market's best-kept secret is that it is the best candy store in town. I never knew that licorice came in so many colors.