I used to work at the sprouts on forest and marsh in dallas. Let me tell you some things about sprouts. first off, i stocked produce there for almost 2 years and almost all there produce comes from mexico or south america,way to support our local farmers and our country by the way! secondly,they have most rude managers and employess that i've ever worked for or worked with. third, a lot of the produce that we unloaded off the trucks would come in already rotten or with mold and crap all over it. last the store manager is a complete douche and is the rudest store manager i've ever seen, i don't know how he hasn't been demoted yet and they only people that have been employed at the store for some years are all black people so....yeah draw your own conclusions on what's really going on there. so yeah if u want rotten produce from mexico then by all means shop at sprouts!