I purchased the Palm Pre the day it was released... 1 year and 1 month later, the speaker phone began getting muffled, and the power button got jammed. I was impressed the phone had lasted as long as it did, so I wasn't hostile, confused, or upset about it needing repairs and had little worries since I have a corporate account with two lines attached, 7 years of membership, and insurance.. After 90 minutes, they gave it back to me and claimed it had water damage and told me I needed to call a number and pay $100 deductible. I'm wondering why they think I would pay $100 for a year old phone when I could get an new Iphone on another network for the same price... I will now be ending services with sprint, and take joy that I contributed to depriving $114/month from a company I once fully endorsed and recommended, and watch them further decline into a shadow of an entity.
Pros: (none)
Cons: Blatantly lied to exploit a loophole in my insurance clause.