Formally Springer Lawn Care, we started out as a traditional landscape maintenance company in 1990. Our concern about the negative affect traditional landscape practices had on the environment, led to a transformation of our business model. We began to develop new landscape and maintenance techniques which are environmentally friendly. With years of research, hours of natural area field time, and development of our own demonstration garden, we reformed as Springer Environmental Service, Inc. Our goal is to lead the way in reforming the landscape industry,and to be the best in the industry. Wild Flower Seeding We are experts in the use of native plants. In planting non natives,we have a strict policy against using non native plants that are considered invasive,or what authorities think may become invasive. We have developed a maintenance strategy specifically for natural gardens. We have made invasive exotic species control a high priority in our maintenance programs. Our maintenance strategy will not harm the wildlife you are attempting to attract. Our landscape designs are as aesthetically pleasing as traditional landscapes,and need less maintenance,water,and chemicals.