Start Benefiting today from the combined unique talents of doctors and therapists in relieving your pain and improving your lifestyle. We are a full service rehab facility that includes services such as: Chiropractic physicians, Medical physicians, Physical Therapists, and Massage Therapists.
We can help you with the following conditions: Injuries of all types, Back & Neck Pain, Headaches, Sciatica, TMJ, Overuse Syndrome, Sports Injuries, Fibromyalgia, Sprains & Strains, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Failed Disc Surgery, Postural Dysfunction, Arthritis, Muscle Spasm, Numbness/Tingling, Foot and ankle pain, Painful Joints, Shoulder and arm pain, Scoliosis, Hip/leg pain, and Knee pain.
Call us today to get more information on our facility, and staff. We are always welcoming new patients.. Alternative Medicine|Chiropractics|Deep Tissue Massage|Myofascial Release|Orthopedic Braces|Orthopedic Pillows|Physicals|Rehabilitation|Shiatsu Massage|Vitamins