on 11-13-08 i went to the spooner police dept. in spooner wisconsin to report someone harassing me. i was giving the information to officer christener, and he said that he would go have a talk with the guy. i then stated that if i had been the person who comitted that crime, i would already be in jail. i then told officer christener to not even bother , and to just forget that i had even there. i then turned and walked out the door. a couple of seconds later officer christener slammed me to the ground, rammed his kneeinto the right side of my lower back, and handcuffed me. evidentally i happened to open the front door of the police station a little too hard. a door that he referred to as -his door-. i was officially under arrest for opening a door too hard. now i would like to add a few pertinent facts to this story. i was totally unarmed, i didnt even have a pocket knife on me. officer christener weighs about 100 lbs. more than me, so he shouldnt have had to use anywhere near that much force, let alone any force at all. officer christener also knows that i am e very physically disabled person. only a week and a half earlier i had to be rushed to the hospital by ambulance because of a possible pinched nerve or muscle spasm that i sustained due to a car accident. officer christener knew all of these facts, and he still chose to physically assault mewhen all he had to do was say turn around and put your hands behind your back, your under arrest. what is this world coming to when the guys who are supposed to be protecting us can get away with using unwarranted force against a physically disabled american veteran. what do all of you think should be done about this.
Pros: dont get me wrong, not all sponner cops are bad.
Cons: why are cops able to get away with anything they want.