I always have said ""I can't dance"" and, like most men, I have avoided group dance and fitness classes like the plague, Plus for a 57 year old, slim, academic, I don't look that bad so I have been able to maintain the illusion (to myself and others) that I am not out of shape. Deep down inside, though, I knew that the aches and pains, soreness and stiffness after what used to be routine tasks --like cutting the grass or moving furniture around -- was a message from my body that something was amiss. So, with much trepidation, I let myself be dragged to Elise Long's ""Men's Total Body Workout"" class at Spoke the Hub, supposedly geared for aging weekend warriors like myself. I had no idea what to expect and I was concerned that I would be gasping for breath or unable to bend while others in the class would be running circles around me. But it wasn't long before I realized that the class is designed to do as much or as little as you are able and that the other baby-boomers were paying attention to their own creaks and cracks and not at all to mine. The payoff was walking outside after the class and feeling upright, 2 inches taller, stiffness gone --not exactly young, but not ancient either. Just ""lighter"", relaxed, and more energized. That was good enough for me. Elise knows her stuff; plus she is funny and makes it seem so not an 'exercise class' .
Pros: Pleasantly Surprised
Cons: Far from my home