Spirit Inc. - a non profit, non denominational youth organization involving committed school age youth between ages of 13 - 19 years of age.
Founded in 1970 by Davenport native, Tom Downs... this group is still serving it's first and formost purpose today... Spreading messages of God through song.
Performing at various places such as churched, festivals, nursing homes and the like... this group gives youth a chance to give something positive back to their community.
Besides performing, they have also been known to volunteer at races such as the Bix and Race For the Cure and often have helped provide canned goods for local food shelters through donations.
This group is currently seeking to expand and invites all committed student youth between the ages of 13 - 19 years come check them out and perhaps want to be a part of this great experience.
Practices take place every Wednesday and Sunday evenings between 6:30 - 10PM at Saint Vincent's Center off of Central Park and Gaines Street in Davenport.
Parents are welcome to attend and see what this is all about as well.
They're looking forward to meeting you!!