At Spine & Sports Chiropractic, we know that a healthy spine and properly functioning nerves, muscles, and joints are necessary for a healthy body and an active lifestyle. The spine, joints, and muscles are designed for movement, and therefore any reduction in normal motion or function can contribute to pain. We are committed to our patient?s health and we understand the importance of determining the cause of their condition. Many sports-related, auto accident and work injuries, as well as chronic conditions are complex in nature and require a comprehensive approach.
Treatment and recovery plans include: spinal- and extremity-joint adjustments (manipulation) soft-tissue mobilization, muscle stretching, advanced therapeutic modalities (Graston, ARP, Kinesio Taping?) and physical rehabilitation. To allow for a natural transition toward independence, the patient will assume an active role in their treatment by participating in an individualized home exercise program. This comprehensive approach not only allows for faster resolution of pain, but provides the patient with long-term benefits, not just symptomatic relief