Beware! ""Dr."" Eric calls himself a doctor BUT IS NOT. He misdiagnosed me and put me through his ""decompression"" treatments - apparently his signature treatment for every ailment - and screwed me up even worse. THEN charged me almost $2000 for it in addition to what he billed my insurance! BEWARE of storefront chains that profess to be legitimate doctors. They are a business just like a nail salon and are there to make money at any cost. Their office staff play the part of the sweet, caring professionals but do not be played. How else would they act toward someone they are trying to squeeze money out of? They are deceitful in order to convince you that you need their treatment at any cost and then convince their patients to go into credit card debt to pay for it. REAL DOCTORS DO NOT DO THAT. Go to a real doctor first - or at least a professional chiropractor who has built a name for themselves and is not a storefront chain. My complaints to SpinalAid's corporate office have been answered with ""sorry - there is nothing we can do about your misdignosis and additional pain and money loss"". These people are liars - money-hungry wolves in sweet-talking ""I'm a good guy"" sheep's clothing. Do not be fooled.
Pros: Pain,severe money loss, feelings of being taken advantage of, anger, bodily injury...
Cons: At least they talk sweetly to you as they are hornswaggling you!