We bought a brand new JD tractor and had it back at the service dept a few days later, and from that day on if not every couple weeks it was once to twice a month. We had service mechanics at our place multiple times, Matt Webb and his service mechanics WOULD NOT stand behind us to help us get our tractor fixed, they did not even have records in their system on the multiple times their service mechanic had been out to out place. As soon as warranty was out they treated us like crap, turned their backs on us and will not return our phone calls even. We were warned not to do business there because they would not take care of us down the road, wish we had listened. Spider Webb would take care of his customers, Matt Webb could care less, he is no where close to the business man his dad was. Pass on this info on to all the hard working farmers you know, so their hard earned cash wont be wasted at Spider Webbs in Poteau Ok. Our equipment is going to turn BLUE!