Payday Loans in Kyle, TX up to $3,000 available for quick cash to cover unexpected bills, emergencies or other short-term loan needs. Stop by your local Speedy Cash store to apply for a Payday Loan or Title Loan today.---Speedy Cash operates as a Registered Credit Access Business (CAB). The actual Lender is an unaffiliated third party. Subject to state regulations, eligibility, credit check, underwriting and approval. Rates, terms and conditions apply. Installment title loans subject to minimum auto value requirements. See associate for details. Cash for Gold License: 0103090.. Speedy Cash Loans include: Payday Loans up to $3,000,Installment Loans up to $3,000 and Title Loans up to $25,000. Speedy Cash services also include Check Cashing,Visa® Prepaid Debit Cards,Cash for Gold,Money Orders and Wire Transfers. Visa is a registered trademark of Visa USA Inc.