I had taken my 14 lb dog in a few times, no incident. The gentleman(Bill) who has greeted us before is no longer there I was told. Bill would take his time, settle Jack, welcome us back, & take notes as to what needed to be done. This particular morning a groomer/new manager Diane approached me. She had another dog under her arm, came to scoop up my dog. My dog, jack was shaking and so was the other. She took no notes(w/c she admits too), and was not personable, but this is Sparky's what could go wrong. I told her specifically to SHAVE him because he was so MATTED & it would hurt if brushed. I told her about his skin condition & to be careful around the eye. To my horror, 4 hours later when I came to get my dog he was just finished being brushed! My dog looked in pain & the groomer who brushed him said he was never told that Jack was to be shaved. He seemed frustrated as I. He spent 4 hours brushing my poor dog. Jack spent over 5 hours there today. His face is all loped sided. I have him schedule to see his vet because he is in so much pain. I called Pat(owner)he said sorry about the ""miscommunication"". I spoke to him extensively @ the matter. He did not resolve anything for me. Website stated that they walk the dogs if stay is longer then 4 hours. My dog never got walked according to the groomer who brushed him. As a business owner myself, I make sure my customers are happy & can trust me. In a service business such a Sparky's,communication is key, & they lacked so much of it today. I suggested he implement a procedure. If there was a protocol, the ""manager'"" did not follow . If a business is so blind as to put someone like Diane in authority & responsbilty, how can you trust them. Obviously, service is not a big deal to them now. I will not be the first customer they lose, but then again Pat did not seem too concerned as business is good there, and I am just one person.