Don't waste your time or you money! What a joke. I had them repair my rear brakes, I drove about 7 miles away and my drivers rear disintegrated They had to come get the vehicle again. After 3 hours of hearing nothing. I went in the store. I asked Big Jim if he knew what was wrong. He shrugged his shoulders. I noticed the brakes were off and the car was just sitting there. I asked how much longer it would be, again he shrugs and says he's going to put the new pads on. Another hours passes, the car is put back together and just sitting in the stall with no one IN THE GARAGE. I was parked across the street. Called and asked how long? We were told they were ringing out a customer and would pump the breaks up. 20 minutes goes buy and some kid comes over and raises the car and takes the wheel off AGAIN! No they bleed the breaks, pull the car out. We go in and he tells us 66 more dollars! I said fo what? On the way home, I test the emergency brake, I pull it half way and it pops! The idiots did not seat the emergency brake cab ln the new pads correctly! tempt! Just like they failed to correctly install the return spring on the first at Never I repeat Never take your car for any service at Sparky's, 3 different people worked on my car including Jim and some 18 year old kid! Total amount of time for initial tow,brake job turm drums was about 3 hours. Total amount to simply replace pads and bleed one side? 5 hours!!!