People who attend Southwind come form all types of different experience and backgrounds. Some come from churches of different types such as Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist, etc. Others come with no church affiliation or religious background at all. Suddenly, they find themselves at Southwind Church.What does that mean? We are unique. We believe church should be fun and exciting, yet without compromising the truth of God's Word, the Bible. Our PurposeSouthwind Church exists to tranform people through the work of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God into fully developing Christians. Southwind Church is convinced that a relationship with God through Jesus Christ is the best way to live. That's why we are so deeply committed to carrying out our mission. Everything that we do is geared toward helping people have the quality of life that God has designed for them.
Sunday Worship 10:00am // Wednesday Lifegroups 6:30pm WORSHIP MINISTRY: Connected with and central to everything we do, worship unites us in celebration, engages us in thoughtful dialogue and helps us grow in faith. It grounds us in our Christian walk while demonstrating practical relevance for today s world. Angel Food Ministries * Men's Groups * Women's Groups * Southwind Kids