After I didn't want the vehicle because there were standard things that came with the vehicle that were missing when my mother & I test drove the Jeep. I should have known then, nothing worked or was where it was supposed to be in or on the Jeep. My mother goes to get the Jeep smog-ed for the registration & what do ya know, the fool's took the catalytic converter off and replaced it with some welded part (unknown). This is illegal and now it's like we have to sit around paying for temporary registrations every month until the issue is fixed and the smog passes. That's really foul that this dealership would go as far as to scam, lie, cheat, manipulate honest, hardworking people just for a quick buck. Why risk it when it always turns out that the karma is much, much greater. I hope people read this review because if you want a vehicle that you can drive without it breaking down before you get it home, or a vehicle that will honestly pass a smog test and without all the dealerships illegal activities.. Do yourself a favor. When you see this dealership/Broker, just keep going. I don't care how bad you need a car you would be better off going to an auction and taking that chance yourself. Stay away from this FOUL dealership with it's lying employee's.