I had a bad experience with this lot. Sure, $6 is a great deal and the walk to the airport is nothing but the employee with whom I interacted was atrocious. Unbeknownst to me, this is a ""leave your keys"" lot. No thank you. Not whilst out of town for 6 days. What was worse was that the attendant informed me that I couldn't park there because he didn't know how to drive a stick shift. Nor did his co-worker. Seems a little odd for a business that involves PARKING CARS. This news was revealed of course after he didn't believe me that I even had a reservation. Which I did and had already paid for the first day and was going to be late for my flight if he didn't let me park there. He ended up ""finding"" a spot for me (not really sure why I had to work for it). Upon my return I was unfortunately greeted by this same employee. I told him I had my keys (he had let me keep them. Being that he couldn't drive manual transmission, my keys would do him no good.) and needed to pay my balance. After a long wait he handed me keys to someone else's car and sent me on my way. I simply said ""No I have my keys like I said."" He then decided to argue with me about whether or not I'd told him I had my keys. This is HORRIBLE costumer service. Then he accused me of being drunk. That was insulting (especially if I was about to get in my car and drive???) but hilarious as it was about 10am. Will never go back.