The doctor rudely excoriated by wife this morning in their lobby, reducing her to tears. Why? Because the staff (we learned this morning) made up a story about me swearing at them last week when they refused to refill a regular prescription for my old dog's chronic condition--unless we booked another office visit. I never, in fact, even raised my voice and certainly never used off-color language (I don't) but did complain that the medicine was for a permanent, chronic condition, diagnosed by Dr. Frei, and that the dog would suffer over the weekend without the medicine. I asked for a few days supply until we could see the vet but was refused that, too. My innocent remark--or maybe the made up story her by staff- apparently had her drop us from future care this morning and inspired a tirade that reduced my gentle wife to tears. I tried to call to resolve it but the Doctor went ballistic and then hung up on me. Buyer beware!