I'm a humane volunteer so I always see to have some animal that needs good vet care. I've been using Dr. Moore and Dr. ""C"" for 15 years and have always felt confident that Dr. ""C"" is the finest vet I've ever had take care of my critters. The office gets quite busy and sometimes appointments run a little late or a lot late but I still rate this clinic 9+ because I've seen what they can do with sick animals. The staff at the clinic is wonderful, friendly, upbeat, supportive when you need support and always helpful. Over the years I've seen patients form friendships with the staff, I know I have one with them. They see me coming with a cat and they all run!!!\r
These truly are excellent vets. Dr. Moore is more into exotics and is known all over the US for his work. Dr. Clonninger is amazing in her own rights. She always listens and goes the extra mile to help save a furkid.\r
You know how good they are by how busy they stay. Be patient and you'll have the best vets in town keeping your pets in tip top health. I have a world of confidence in them.\r