DON'T BUY TIRES FROM THIS GUY! He will happily sell you tires that are old or otherwise defective, hoping you won't notice right away due to the low speed limits in Sitka. He sold us 4 defective tires and won't stand behind them at all. All four of them failed between Prince Rupert and Prince George, less than a month ofter we purchased them. They worked OK in Sitka at 35 mph, but shook like mad the minute we got on a road at 60 mph. The first one blew out at about 100 miles. The rest were so out of round that the Firestone dealer we went to could't even balance them. This guy told us all sorts of lies and refused to provide any refund. First he tried to misrepresent the off-brand tires he sold us as a Firestone-Bridgestone product, which they aren't. The Firestone dealer we stopped at to try and get them balanced had never even heard of the brand and couldn't find anyone to honor a warranty. He also had left them grossly overinflated, which was probably a contributing factor in their failure. He tried to tell us that they we supposed to be inflated to 46+ psi, despite what the real Firestone dealer told us and their not-to-exceed pressure of 40 psi printed right on the side of the tire.