In Response to Marilyn's comment, there is always 2 sides to every story and now I will tell mine. Her grandaughter indeed hired my company to bail her friend out of jail and the friend did infact miss her court date. Our agents spent 8 consecutive days with a couple days off included to track this woman down. We contacted the co signer who is the g/daughter mentioned above and told her unless the girl was found she would need to write a check for the 5,000.00 bail which my company posted and I would have to pay if the defendant were not found out of my own pocket, which the cosigner would be sued for reimbursal plus expenses while hunting the defendant. The g/daughter did help us in her eventual capture, However, the contract which she signed the day the bond was made specifically outlines the charges which would be billed in the event the defendant di not appear in court as ordered. I told her the contract rate which was around 2,645.00 and had invoices, mileage and agent reports documenting days and hours worked and mileage driven in our efforts to locate the defendant. I had not intended to bill her the whole amount until she started popping off at the mouth and had her know it all g-ma call our office trying to tell me how bail bond law is, and she used to be a bondsman, and I explained to old G-ma the law has changed since you did bail bonds with Moses and the desciples. She was rude and hardheaded so I pressed forward with my crusade against her g/daughter and fully intended to collect the full amount plus and additional 33 1/3% for attorney fees when mamaw was enlightened by her own attorney that the charges were indeed legit and LEGAL and were fully collectable should I choose to pursue the suit against the g/daughter. After mamaw calls in tears asking for forgiveness because she was an butt, I agreed to reduce the fee by 60% and later reduced it again by another 10%. Point is that the original charge if g-ma had shut up was only going to be 300.00