We are a full-service gynecological facility, and specialize in giving our patients the personal attention that is usually missing at larger group practices. In the comfort of a small practice atmosphere, the staff at South Orange Gynecology perform a wide range of gynecological services for women at all ages and stages of development.
A recipient of the Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval, you can feel confident that our center practices at the highest level of patient safety and confidentiality.
Why Choose Us?
- South Orange Gyn is the ONLY private physician office performing Terminations of Pregnancy in Orange, Ulster, Dutchess and Sullivan Counties in New York since 1974.
- We are the ONLY private physician office CERTIFIED and LICENSED to administer sedation anesthesia. You will not feel ANY PAIN and will be completely ASLEEP during your procedure. Planned Parenthood and other prominent area physicians refer their own patients to us for this reason!
- We are a recipient of the Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval and are a Certified office-based surgery center.
- We have a personal physician on call 24 / 7.
- We have a certified nurse anesthetist on staff who is specially trained to deliver safe and effective outpatient sedation for all terminations.
- We provide continuity of care post termination.
Our Medical Director founded our practice in 1974. He is a former Medical Director of Planned Parenthood of the Mid-Hudson Region and holds a staff appointment at Orange Regional Medical Center.
South Orange Gynecology, P.C. also offers complete gynecology exams, pelvic ultrasounds, and STD diagnosis and treatment. We accept most forms of insurance, and offer affordable fees for our patients who are uninsured or who have large deductibles.