I do not think too highly of the Automotive Care Facilities in this Community . . . be they Dealerships, or Mom & Pop Operations. I can think of only two places (besides my own) that I would take my vehicle for Service or Repair . . . that, providing I was not capable of caring for my own vehicles.
South East Auto Service is one of those Facilities! [I write this being in the Automotive Care Business myself.]
Militaryspouse3ID's representation of South East Automotive, from the Service Writer to the Technicians that are employed there, and especially the Owner (I know him to be a man of Christ), are wholly unfounded, and do not accurately characterize this Business or the Quality of Care they give the Customer and their vehicles.
I have personally witnessed on numerous occasions (I've see what goes on 'behind the scenes', i.e., the Shop Operations) the fact that South East Automotive is not only in Business, they are also in the Business of keeping their Customers happy, to wit: ROTY2008's explanation more-accurately represents the True Character of this Facility.
If Militaryspouse3ID were to actually go to this Facility and speak personally with the Owner I'm sure that he would bend over backwards to help her, and get the problems on her vehicle straightened out without any additional charges.
Keep up the good work South East Auto Services!