I'm a moderately hairy guy and have wanted to get rid of my body hair for quite awhile. The cost has been a deterrent, but South Coast Med Spa was running a 50% off special, so I was intrigued. I compared the prices to other places and they weren't much different, but with the big discount it was a no brainer. Plus they've worked on thousands of clients and must be doing something right to be so successful. I had heard that the lasers can really hurt, and apparently this used to be true before SCMS updated to the most modern lasers. I called to ask questions and the scheduling girl in the Newport office was super friendly and helpful. I have blonde and brown body hairs, but mostly brown. The girl assured me they have special follicle dye for blonde hair. The office in Santa Monica is 15 minutes from my home, so I went to that location. There's plenty of free street parking. The office is super clean, new, and nice. They offered me bottled water on arrival, and the office manager, Bethany greeted me with a big smile. We met in an office room where she went over the whole process. She answered all my questions. The only disappointing part was that the dye for blonde hair apparently has not been very effective. Bethany is very professional, friendly and flexible. She worked with me and we settled on a comfortable package and price. The more surface areas you purchase the better the price rate. They guarantee that I will have at least 80% complete hair removal. The package includes a total of six treatments. Each treatment lasts one hour. Every eight weeks I will be treated. I had my first treatment yesterday and it was done by the physician assistant, Jenna. She's super friendly and knowledgeable. The laser was not bad at all. Only the middle of my chest, my groin, and thigh stung a couple of times. The laser sprays a cool mist and the room is super cold, so any burning sensation doesn't last long. Jenna was nice enough to shave some areas I couldn't reach on my back. There were a couple of sore spots after the session, so Jenna applied some aloe, which was soothing. She said I did pretty well and that I was not a complete baby : D My pain threshold is pretty average I suppose, but I confess I yelped a couple of times. It was mostly no big deal though as I relaxed there chatting and looking at the great city view out the window. I really like going to the office--they are super friendly. Thanks Bethany & Jenna!! See you next month :)