Our Philosophy of Practice For patients to choose a dental professional appropriate to their dental needs there must exist a match between the services sought by the patient with the services provided by the dental professional. If the value you possess for your teeth and health coincide with our beliefs in fine dentistry and prevention, a mutually rewarding relationship can evolve for both parties. As a form of welcoming you and sharing our beliefs about how we serve our patients, the following information is provided. Examination Process? Excellence in dentistry begins with a careful diagnosis and treatment plan to move you, the patient, toward the goals you and I will establish together. You will receive an extensive and comprehensive examination of your teeth, gums, bite, joints, and soft tissues. When needed, and with your permission, we will utilize all appropriate x-rays, and if beneficial, will use intra-oral photographs and study models of your teeth and jaws to identify area of concern. We believe this in depth examination to be the cornerstone of quality dentistry.