Our family has purchased from Sonrise Farms for perhaps 15 years, and we have never been disappointed. Their poultry and beef and pork are all raised in the most humane possible ways, with the aim of promoting the animals' most robust health. The beef is lean, the poultry fat and juicy. They move the cows to fresh pasture every day. Their chickens are allowed to range freely in clean pasture, except at night (to protect them from predators), when they are moved into a barn. I discovered,once, when wandering around their facilities, that they even play Christian music to the chickens! Their eggs, when available, are to die for.
It's a 56-mile round trip for us, so we don't take lightly our patronage of Sonrise Farms. Diane and Dan Hesterberg (and their children, all of whom are major players in the effort almost as soon as they can walk) are almost like family—as friendly as can be.
My only disappointment in Sonrise is their persistent decision not to market their meat at the Market at the Square in Urbana. That means we have to drive to them in order to make our purchases. But it's well worth the effort. I recommend the family and their products without reserve.