Established in 2005, Sonflower Seeds is a Christian Learning center for children between the ages of 0-12 that is locally owned and operated. Each classroom uses Creative Curriculum to teach writing skills, numbers, motor development and language. In addition, each classroom provides Bible lessons designed to meet your child where they are and is reinforced using a variety of hands on, learning activities. As teachers and sowers of Gods word, we do our very best to act in accordance to His will and to create an environment that is rich and fertile. Your child is a gift from God and we want to provide the very best care for them. We use organic products and food that is locally raised. Children 3 and over participate in 6 or more field trips per year. Our travel team takes the children to North Carolina Zoo, Greensboro Children Museum and Children's Museum of Alamance County. Also, we travel to Millstone Creek Orchards, Homeland Creamery and other local establishments.