FACTS: They play off the name of an older store, They claim to be voted number one in the area, guess who voted them? They did themselve, LOL Use to be Solid Rock now it's EK Computers. Word around town is they are not the recommend place to go for computer service, or anything else. . NOW YOU KNOW! Go to the store that cares about you the customer.! Best Price Computers! 625 Fifth Street. call here first compare prices, we will meet or beat any local adverstise price on comparable item. We have been in town 20 years. We sell the best repair the rest! Were good folks to deal with. At least we are honest! Same day service. Hours that show we care about customers.Mon-Thur 10:00 -7:00 Friday 10:00 - 8:00 Sat. 10:00 - 5:00 Your welcome folks! Come to us where you'll be treated right! The owner