Sole Right offers a boutique environment, with a rich masculine decor, topped off by excellent personalized service. We carry men's accessories such as belts (Mezlan brand), cuff links, as well as ties and bow ties to keep you looking unique. We have made it our mission to provide quality designer shoes that will complete your outfit. In a time where it seems very difficult to find quality service and products in a boutique setting, we offer all of the above. Here, there are no more limited retail stock or crowds to fight. We offer the convenience of online shopping, complete with an online gallery, as well as, the ease of in-store shopping where our sales representatives are ready to assist. You can look to us for the latest in style, and comfort when it comes to men's shoes. As experts in the area of designer shoes, we welcome any questions you may have. With price matching available, you can reset assured to be a CONFIDENT shopper!. Men's designer shoes,belts,ties,bow ties,and socks.