When I first started acupuncture, I had been experiencing back pain for as long as I could remember. I had tried just about every traditional remedy out there, to no avail. Remarkably, over the course of my acupuncture treatment, I found not only lasting pain relief, but an entirely new perspective on wellness that will stick with me forever. With Frank's guidance, I was impacted by the simple yet powerful idea of the\r
connectedness between emotional/spiritual experience and physical health. Frank's practice acknowledges this connection, resulting in the type of healing that seems to target not only the specific problem area, but the whole person. Physically speaking, I feel better than ever. But almost\r
more importantly, through this treatment I have experienced healing in a larger sense. Frank's instinctive methodology, open-heartedness and patient attentiveness have brought peace to both body and spirit. \r
Pros: Frank is an openhearted, skilled, and a kind practioner who helped change my life.