This must be the High Temple of Soda Pop!
Every kind of pop can be found in the place, right across from Eno's Pizza in the Bishop Arts District. Which, if you're going to be someplace, that's a good place to be.
Cases of already cold, waiting to be drank, soda pop like the walls. These drinks come from near and far, and mostly far to judge from the names. And some great names. I asked the guy behind me in line what he was getting, and he blushed (!) and just pointed to the name F*KOLA COLA. (He blushed, now ain't that cute? I think it was because he was with a female).
This place was it decorated appropriate to the its products. Coca Cola memorabilia and Pop art (get it, 'Pop' art?) was all over the walls, some even by an employee that works there.
One of the owners helped me make a selection as if he were the sommelier at a fine restaurant. We finally agreed on a Hank's Root Beer of a distinguished vintage (January) that had just the right balance between the sassafras root flavor and the sweetness of its chemical additives.
I hereby give The Soda Gallery my coveted 5 Star award for being so cool. In fact, it's so cool, it's FRIGID! (So maybe not original, but I LIKE the phrase).