In todays growing society how safe are the apartments you live at? Living at Circle S apartments for three years have left me feeling a little under protected when it comes to my family. The first year of my experience was completely peaceful except for the minor complaints that all who live in apartments have. People running up and down the stairs late at night an ocassional fight in the parking lot and smell of what I could only assume was canibis wafting from someones apartment. As renewed my lease the second year I pretty much kept to myself as I am not the kind to annoy my neighbors but I noticed a more frequent amount of letters talking about break ins to cars and I even noticed what I could only describe as a cracked out working girl living a few buildings away from me. In light of me moving out of the building it has come to my attention that a young lady had been assulted in her own apartment. Thank god I choose to move when I did.
Pros: Beautiful buildings brand new.
Cons: Safety