I should not say this because I think I am an "accomplice." I once got into a car accident and this doctor immediately got the information. (So I guess he has some connections with the police or the car shop etc.) Anyway, he offered me free exam & X-ray and I was new to this kind of stuff and I thought there was no harm to have a free exam. He said there was something wrong with my bone and there were many reasons to explain it. Car accident was one of them. But so as other reasons, such as having a wrong sitting position for a long time. He offered to calculate my student insurance and car insurance for me and see how many sessions I could have so I would end with paying nothing. I was not comfortable to do that but I was afraid that bone problem was really significant so I accepted his offer. My car insurance company at the end sent investigators to me and I actually told them the truth. I told them that we were not so sure what factor caused the bone problem but I surely wanted to correct it if that was good to me. Anyway, I was not so sure how to rate this doctor but he had a lot of ads on the newspaper and he was certainly thinking hard to take advantage of the insurance companies so this is why I don't like him.