Wow. I used to drink at Snapper's a good deal. Only punk jukebox around, and there was a great rock n' roll crowd. They even did some fantastic monthly shows. Maybe it just got old for me, but this summer at Snapper's seemed to mark the end of the bar's golden era. It was always a dive, but now it's in the deep end. This could in part be contributed to the opening of much nicer bars nearby (Elephant and Keegan Ales, primarily) but there are other factors. Overzealous security is a complaint I hear a lot -- this bar draws a lot of bad drunks and they are constantly being forced out, but regulars have to watch what they say around certain 'friends of the bar' or risk ejection simply based on not being liked. If you're a true punk or rock and roller, I think you'll like Snappers for a night or two. I simply can't watch the management bungle the place anymore, so I'm drinking down the street from now on.
Pros: rock and roll ambience, foosball
Cons: total dive, weird crowd, mismanaged