Russ and Julie Durling started their farm in 2003. They live on the farm in their large family friendly farmhouse. They ride and train their trail horses and maintain a small flock of chickens. They began raising all natural beef in 2006 and are committed to the ethics of raising high quality beef steers in a stress free environment. Nearly all our animals are Black Angus/Hereford cross stock, that said we do currently have a steer with a little Charolais in him. Russ always buys Weanling Steers from the local breeding farms around us, always bought direct, never from an auction lot. Russ knows the history of every animal we buy. We do not buy animals that have had antibiotics ever!! Our beef steers are raised on grass and hay with a supplement of home mixed grains. They are never given hormones, limiters or enhancers. They are never fed fish or animal proteins. They receive their vaccines when they are weaned and do not ever receive anything additional. If an animal gets sick we try treat it with traditional remedies, if we have to use antibiotics to save an animals life, we will sell that animal at a Sale Barn auction as soon as its healthy. We encourage buyers to come and see our Steers and what we are trying to do here on the farm.