It was late 2004 or early 2005 when this miracle took place. I now live in Ohio, but at the time, I lived in Venice, Florida. \r
I had not been to church in over 20 years and had given my life back to God. I had a cart full of church clothes I intended on trying on at the local Goodwill store. As I headed for the dressing room, I passed a nice lady with a distressed look on her face and she said, ""Please, buy a bible or two before you leave."" She had stocked the shelves from top to bottom with bibles and had 2 more cart loads to go. So I told her when I finished in the dressing room, I certainly would buy a bible, maybe 2. \r
I successfully found several outfits for church and proceeded to the checkout line, forgetting all about those bibles. As I went down the aisle, the lady said, ""Don't forget your bible! You will need it in church tomorrow morning!"" While talking to her I had my right hand on the bibles, just feeling the old leather. One particular bible felt so good, I plucked it off the shelf. Opening it up, I said to the lady, ""I'd like to see who owned this bible."" That bible is the one pictured in the photo gallery. \r
The lady said, ""Please, buy another one! This time, buy one in my cart so I don't have to work so hard."" we chatted some more while I aimlessly picked up one after the other. I was digging a hole in her cart of bibles and was about 10"" from the bottom, when I seen the corner of another bible. I carefully pulled it out of the hole, opened it up to see who it belonged to and that is when the miracle happened. Lo and behold, it belonged to the wife of the previous bible I had put in my cart to buy! I had showed the lady the name that was on the first bible, but when I showed her the second, she just about fell over! That is truely a MIRACLE! Of course, I had to buy both because they were meant to always be together!\r
I have kept those two bibles because my sister in law lives near this church in Sloatsburg and needs God in her life and a miracle of her own. I had intended on giving her the bibles to personally deliver to the family of Pastor William K. Herbert and his wife, Evellyn. Thinking the current pastor would say the right thing to help her in her distress. However, everytime I begin to tell her this miraculous story, something always interupts. I believe God has a time for me to tell her and I must wait upon the Lord. \r
In the mean time, I pray for her and I pray for the Herbert family. I feel I know them, even though we have never met. \r
In Spirit & Strength, Tammi Skidmore