Our Mission
The ministry of Sloan Canyon Preschool and Christian Academy was established to
provide an educational experience in a secure, nurturing, consistent, well organized,
and clean environment for children three to five years of age.
We recognize the importance for balanced growth and we will provide many Christ
centered opportunities for the social, emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual
development of the children in our care.
Our preschool program services the children and families of our community.
This service has grown from a love for the children and a sincere desire to help
them adapt and succeed in our todayÃÆ'ƒÂ¢ÃÆ'¢â€šÂ¬ÃÆ'¢â€žÂ¢s world.
By supplying them with consistent Christ-centered activities we will:
- Help them build self respect and give them the opportunity to
develop respectful relationships with others
- Help them work individually or as part of a group
- Help them realize that they are important as individuals and as
members of our community
- Encourage them to realize that they are loved by our Heavenly
. - Child Care Services
- Preschool Program