How do you define a great style? Some people think it has to do with the brushes and combs one uses after the cut is done. Some people think it's all about a special hair product or color combination. However, I've decided it's something entirely different. It's how the style responds to ANY adverse situation from humidity to lack of tools. In my case, two weeks ago, I had my routine style and color done at Sling Blades. I had my usual GREAT service and FANTASTIC CARE. It's so easy to take that for granted once you've found it. However, yesterday, I woke up in a hotel room, had my shower and realised I had forgotten my hair brush as well as other styling tools. I was going to an important meeting and had no time to replace these items and get to my appointment. There was no comb in my bag either. Fearing a BAD HAIR DAY, I used what I had: a little bit of hair spray and hair mousse. So using my fingers to work the mousse through my hair, I then blow-dried my hair and used a bit of spray. My hair isn't super short either. It's about four or five inches or so in length, down to the collar of my shirt. I would call my look high maintenance. But with that little bit of work, in FIVE MINUTES, I looked just as great as if I had used my styling brush and combs for the usual fifteen. What was that then? Just another taken for granted GREAT STYLE from Sling Blades. So guys and gals, if you want to avoid a bad hair day when the unexpected happens, I suggest getting your Style from Sling Blades.
Pros: Great Style, Service, and Serenity
Cons: What Cons