Starting July 5, 2010, an individual who wasted our precious time with nonsense phone calls (13 times in one day) began posting false stories and comments on this and other websites under many different fake aliases. This person has been recognized by our shop and other local shops as someone who is a difficult customer and impossible to be please. Two days prior to July 5th, this individual was asked to take their business elsewhere because of these reasons.
Slifer Motor Works is a 20 year old family owned business that is known by its 1700+ loyal clients for its integrity, knowledge, high quality work, friendly nature and personable staff. It is value, not price, that we use as our business philosophy. It is this reason we service an array of high-end cars, do 100 point restorations of all types of vintage cars, and do insurance collision work on all of our client-based cars. Our service staff, with its 140 combined years of experience, has been praised locally ever since its inception.
Citysearch has been notified of this problem and has refused to control irate posters such as this individual. It is hard to believe that a supposedly legitimate website such as this one cannot control its own content (makes them illegitimate and have zero credibility). All negative posts on this site are untrue and written by the same person during the same time frame. None of the names or cars listed are found in our database. Until Citysearch chooses to resolve this issue, we will continue to post this after every negative comment. Thank you.
Joe Slifer
Slifer Motor Works, Inc.