I am a middle aged woman who works out regularly. I am not by any means what one would call petite. I am a big girl but carry what I have proudly and with, what some have called, sophisticated mature panache. My issue has been with my center. Over the years it seems to have taken on a life of its own and no matter what I do or how much I work out I have been unable to corral it.
What DR Locke has done for me is nothing short of a miracle. I did a search on Lipotherme just as I was thinking about my success and to my surprise I found the above testimony and had to add my two cents. I look AND feel like a different woman and I am thrilled. I can see a real waist instead of the blossoming inner tube that I kept adding to over my 54 years. I had no down time. If I can do it anybody can. I plan on posting pictures but it has only been a couple of weeks. I am excited about what my results will be like in about a month and i will be back.