Sleep Centers of Middle Tennessee is a multi-disciplinary practice with Board- Certified Sleep Physicians who are able to diagnose and treat sleep disorders. Dr. William H Noah was the first physician to practice sleep medicine in Rutherford County and has built a team that includes Dr. John Mori, Dr. Steven Silas, Dr. Russ Gibson, Dr. Tim Hoelscher, Dr. Brian Wind, and Dr. Renata Alexandre. Along with these physicians are Respiratory Therapists and clinicians who are trained to educate and assist in the identification and treatment of your sleep disorder. Our center is the cost-effective choice as we have developed protocols that give the highest standard of care while providing the best economic option.
. Sleep Centers of Middle Tennessee is a multi-disciplinary practice with Board-Certified Sleep Physicians who are able to diagnose and treat sleep disorders. Whether you suffer from daytime sleepiness,snoring,gasping or choking upon awakening, insomnia,restless legs syndrome, or any other disorder,SCMT can help.