The people in management at this place are dreadfully toxic. Infighting, unprofessionalism, the staff turnaround is so high that you never know if the person you met will still be there in a few months. Each manager is successively worse than the last and the overall attitude towards sales and the public has devolved into something more like a high pressure used car lot than the somber, respectable business it is.
The fake smiles and accommodating attitudes evaporated the second we asserted ourselves as human beings and not an easy mark. When we encountered a problem and asked for clarification, we were talked around, shuffled among staff, and generally pushed aside until we gave up and took our business elsewhere. We encourage you to do the same, for your own sanity and peace of mind.
Perhaps most shockingly, their unlit grounds are open to the public in the evening so the place is often full of young people doing drugs and getting drunk in the warmer months. We have seen used needles on the ground. Apparently, they had to hire an on-site security guard just to keep down the crime but he is gone now so please keep your loved ones safe and steer clear of this horrible place