Farewell Skinner Montessori,
Six years ago, I’d started looking for a school for my 4 years old son (then) – with two things in my mind: I wanted for him a school where there was discipline and he gets a good start in his education. After attending many ‘open house’ events for lots of schools in the Vancouver area, I got to attend Skinner’s also.
From the very first moment I walked into that school, I knew that this is the school that I want my son to attend. I’ve felt cosy, comfortable; I’ve got a sense of close and united family. All kids being very polite, dressed up nicely. I remember seeing a lady from school saying “Bonjour” and speaking French to kids and kids responding back. I was amazed; that was the French teacher!
After 3 years, it was time for our second son to start school also so we’ve picked up the same school. With this Montessori school, my kids got the chance to be in the same classroom, which was great. My little one already felt comfortable with his brother’s buddies so ….we had no problem here, at all. He wanted to go to school everyday and spent time with his older friends. When it came to academics, of course, he’s followed his brother path: learning lots of things.
Well, after 6 wonderfull years spent at Skinner Montessori, with regret we are saying that: it’s time for us to move on in life. My son, who is 10+ now, wants more PE activities and sports and we’ve decided to take him to another school. The bad part is that, my little one has to leave Skinner also, because it would be too hard for us, with kids in different schools, although Skinner would be a perfect fit for my little one, for at least 3, 4 years.
One last thing I want to add: when I’ve took all the paperwork to the new school, the lady from adminsion took all the printouts of the work that my kids had done at Skinner, browsed through and said: “Wow! That’s impressive. I have to say that, we are not that advanced, here”.
Thank you Skinner Montessori! My kids will always remember the years they’ve spent here.