Sincerely Yours Cards and Gifts on Main Street carries a broad selection of unique merchandise perfect for the casual gift-giver. Upon first entering the shop, you'll be inundated with dozens of small, colorful knickknacks and stuffed animals, no two of which seem to be alike! Figurines, holiday ornaments in all shape and size, novelty books, exterior seasonal home flags, body lotions and more. It's also in the entrance that you'll notice the shop's one big fault: Its size. The aisles are extremely narrow, and in fact, in the back of the store, there are a few steps that lead up to the card area. This makes stroller and wheelchair access very limited, if not impossible. Ironically, what I like best about this shop is the card section: They offer a host of standard or off-kilter cards for any occasion. Whether you're looking to acknowledge a birthday, anniversary, wedding, loss, or just say hello, they have a card for you. Prices are commensurate with other card shops, but the small-town shop atmosphere is what puts this shop near the top.