I am so enraged by the comment left that slammed this practice. I don't usually write reviews, but wanted to let everyone know that this really is a great practice. I have had two children that have been delivered by two different doctors at this practice. I have also needed to have an ectopic pregnancy surgically removed by a doctor here, and have had 2 other miscarriages. I would not continue with this practice for the last 10 years if they weren't fabulous!
It is true that this is a big practice but the doctors really are personal and it seems like you are in a small intimate practice...so much so that I was at my 3 year old daughter's ballet recital when someone came up to her and told her how well she did and that she looked very beautiful. I couldn't place who it was for a couple of minutes and then realized that it was Dr. Martinez...who I hadn't even seen for a couple of years so I was really impressed that she not only recognized me but could remember my daughter's name as well.
As far as being great doctors, when I had my son all of my wishes were listened to and respected. When I showed up at the hospital the nurse did offer me an epidural but I declined for a little while. By the time I wanted it, they were ready to go. When you get to the hospital you are asked by the nurse because if you do want it, you will need to get at least a bag of fluids before they can give you the epidural. This can take a good 45 minutes to an hour to do so if you know that you want the epidural they want to get that started right away. If you don't want the epidural, you can say no! This is also why you have a birth coach/advocate with you that can help you make decisions when you are in the heat of a contraction. Dr. Tannenbaum delivered my first child and did a really great job. I had him on a holiday weekend and Dr. Tannenbaum was on call the entire time I was in the hospital. He performed the birth, circumcision, and released us. Did a great job all the way around! No complaints!
With my second child Dr. Gallela delivered her. I went into the hospital, was 2 weeks late (which again the doctors respected my decision to not be induced sooner and let nature take it's course) and was 4 centimeters dilated and was running a fever of 103.9. Because of the fever Dr. Gallela sat with me the ENTIRE time that I was in labor...8 hours in all. She rubbed my hand, talked to me, etc. She was amazing! Dr. Sih was the doctor on call the next day and checked and released me a day early (again respecting my wishes to please go home and be in my own bed). He put my mind at ease every step of the way.
Dr. Gallela is also the doctor that had to perform the surgery to remove the ectopic pregnancy. She explained absolutely everything and made sure to make follow up phone calls, etc. She was who I had to do all of my follow up appointments with and was really, really great. That was a really tough time but completely helped me through everything.
The doctors here are fabulous! Let me say again, the DOCTORS here are fabulous! No, this is not a midwife practice, this is a medical practice. They respected all of my wishes, but I was so happy that these were all doctors and knew that if anything went wrong we would all be in the right hands.