BE VERY AWARE!!!!first day we left with out buying the F150,( Paul knew cylinders were bad )2 days later we get a call & they said they reduced it some ~come to find out~they did the old mechanic trick & unplugged the battery to reset the computer, so the engine light would turn off. So 1/2 way home the light came back on,,the truck started shaking so bad i wasn't able to drive it~sick thing is.. they knew i just rolled my other truck July 4th with my whole family in it and they were willing to allow me to drive a dangerous truck again~ i had it towed to the mechanic here in merced & come to find out that SAFETY inspection... they Lied to us again~ I drove that Truck down those hills w/ ZERO brakes and messed up rotors on the front! metal to metal!come to find out the newish parts are from a junk yard
.(I Called Paul & he said: well. our inspection test is drive the truck..if it passes brake inspection~Thats how we do it~The Truck is used..and its now your responsibility~)
i ask for the # of his boss and he said he's the boss...and there isnt anything i can do except fix my own truck!while i was still talking.. he literally hung up on me~
Thank God While driving ~ we didnt get in another accident~ my poor children were so scared thinking we were going to die!All I can say is Please Be Very aware. i would Hate to see this Happen to anyone else.. I will be reporting this to any and all i can think of with pictures and reports from my mechanic , so hopeful they dont put another family in danger~
all this due to the slob refusing to fix the brakes and rotors.. and replace the putting bad parts with junk yard parts... the used parts have yellow dots on them.. which is what pick a part does to make sure they are their parts if returning! WoW!
He much be the owners son... no one else would be allowing this~
All this to make a buck.. if it killed some one or not..Paul Is ruthless and has No compassion at all.... its all Volume as he told us! the $ really isnt even the issue its the attitude of Paul! and not having any type on conscience at all~