this is a lovely facility, but if you use them - make sure you have every single detail in writing, and are clear about how every single detail is supposed to be carried out. difficult to do when you're grieving and actually shouldn't even be required. our baby granddaughter died in june - a family member called pierce bros. Anna was kind and helpful - we made appt to meet the next day. we arrived, were shown to a room. a woman enters and, while standing at the table, announces ""i talked to my manager and the cremation will be $400"". ??!! this was Anna. no introductions, no condolences. unbelieveable. i called her on it and she started over. shouldn't have been necessary. she said she would remember which prayer cards to order - made no notes, had to call us to ask. tv screens in the chapel were to be used to show a slideshow - on the day of the service they weren't working - (and hadn't been for a couple of days) no one called to tell us beforehand. family had ordered necklaces to be filled with ashes - day of service Anna not there. her stand-in, Vanessa (with a very snotty attitude), had not heard about necklaces, had no idea when Anna would show up, said Anna was not reachable. Anna finally did show, and had the necklaces with her, but none of this upset should have occurred. then, after the service, while we were in the hospitality room, Anna started to dismantle the display - taking down pictures, mementos, etc - without consulting the family to see if they wanted a last look, or more time in the chapel. unbelievable. as i said, lovely facility - but staff?? needs lots of coaching on behavior and professionalism.
Pros: nice facility
Cons: veyr unprofessional staff/service