I had to take my cat to the vet last minute and I only took him here because I work down the street from Shrewsbury Animal hospital and knew it was the only way so I wouldn't be late to work. The exam was a $65 dollar charge, waived for a first time visit with a cat, which I thought was going to be helpful.
I think the cat got into the cleaning foam I used in the bathroom day before yesterday because since then he has been vomiting a few times a day. Yesterday and Sunday. They suggested blood work, and a Urinalisis. The blood work alone was $160. bucks and urinalisis was $40. I would not have taken him here if I didn't have work today.
The vet I go to normally I called once I got home to compare charges. The bloodwork would have cost me at my vet ethier $40 or $90 at the most for the 2 different types of bloodwork, urinalisis would have been $30.
The office vist is $45! It is a corporate veterinary company and all they are out for is money. I was a vet tech for another branch long ago, and I know they try to get you for every little thing, being that I put charges in for surgerys and dentals and all that stuff in the past.
now you know, so I dont' recommend taking your pet here unless you like to throw your money away when another vet just as good and charges less. Shop around people!