I was trying to find a legitimate breeder with show quality potential. I wanted to start breeding on a small scale. Most breeders i called were not willing to give me breeder rights.Showin, from Oregon spent much time and effort discussing what i needed to learn. Because i live in Eastern Canada it seemed far to drive to Oregon to see pups. She gave me her partners info in Virginia and in a matter of 6 months i have purchased 5 of the most beautiful pups.i have both males and females and Audrey had been amazingly helpful after market. We have kept in touch and she is willibg to share her successful suggestions on proper breeding.Her experience has put me on the right trackh with pedigree and colours. Showin Poms is a reputable breeder with champions spread throughout the world. O am so glad i bought my starter kennel from Showin Poms but most of all the Poms are the most loving affectionate and good natured dogs around. Thankyou and bewate of the Korean Breeders that bring 5 week old puppies and sell them as teacups. That us an area to research and avoid. Thank God for Showin Poms.